My name is Richard AG Dams,
Licensed and aggregated in History (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters), professor of history, aesthetics and art history for more than forty years, having worked from 1971 as a cooperator for several years in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire at the time), holder from the start of an African art course and a course of African civilizations, I was passionate about the primitive arts from that moment. With an experience of more than forty African art collectors years and de professional for more than 17 years, ,I have the pleasure to be able to propose in my "online" gallery my best selections to as wide an audience of amateurs as possible.
Professional Seller Details:
Company: Gallery artspremiers.be
Richard Dams
address: Point du Jour 9
7090 Braine-le-Comte
Company number: BE 0820076404
Mobile: +32475654079
Email: richard.dams@artspremiers.be